Brussels Expo

M.E.G.A: Make Europe Great Again

Is Europe (finally) open for business?

The Debate M.E.G.A.? Navigating the Red Ocean of Geopolitical Challenges
Thursday, March 27 - 4:00 PM till 5:30PM (+Networkdrink & visit to the Nocturn) Hall 9

Belgian machine builders, OEMs, and industrial suppliers—whether operating internationally or not—are navigating Red Oceans of strict regulations, tight labor, energy, and financial markets today and for at least the next four years. Is it quarter to twelve or quarter past twelve for Europe’s manufacturing industry?

3 CEOs from globally active high-tech system builders, Stow Group and Anglo Belgian Corporation, will engage in a discussion with two experts in international trade, geopolitics, and strategic turnarounds. Where do we stand 10 weeks after the inauguration of the new U.S. president?

This debate will not focus on compiling a list of grievances but rather on how you, as a leader, your organization as a whole, and your supply chain can nimbly navigate these Red Oceans. What will be discussed?

  • Is Europe quietly making a comeback as a superpower? If so, how? (Marc Devos)
  • What advice do the experts give, what actions are their clients taking, and what concrete steps are the two Belgian manufacturing companies implementing?
  • What impact do these strategic shifts by OEMs and machine builders have on their supply chains?
  • What are the panelists’ key takeaways for the audience?

Practical Information

Participation in the M.E.G.A. Debate is free, but the number of seats is limited to 200 pre-registered attendees


Opening keynote "The End of Globalization and the Beginning of 'Europe First'" by Marc De Vos.

4:30 PM
Introduction by Karl D'Haveloose

Panel Debate

    • Karl D'Haveloose | CEO Industrialfairs


    • Marc De Vos | CO-CEO ITINERA
    • Geert Stienen | Partner Deloitte
    • Jos De Vuyst | CEO Stow Group
    • Tim Berckmoes | CEO Anglo Belgian Corporation
    • Stéphane Burton |CEO Orizio Groep & Chairman BOD Agoria-BSDI


The Debate is an organisation of

machineering      agoria